Enter a world beyond space and time, where the magic of words serves to unlock secrets of the soul. A cyclical story recounts life experiences and dream life, overcoming emotional despair and alienation. This journey delves the depths of darkness and reaches for starlight... A quest for knowledge, soul retrieval and human survival is unfolding.


This bi-lingual book includes some of my poetry and drawings from 1995-2011. Telling a cyclical tale and intended to be read like a leporello from front to back and vice versa, the book came alive in 2020 despite the difficulties of lock down.


I encourage the reader to view the story in a personal way, to discover an intuitive reading by opening the pages at random. Aspects of dream work, female identity and psychoanalytic ideas of the double are woven together to explore and interpret possibilities of femininity. The drawings mirror my specific interest in Ancient Egypt and the iconography of sacred codes.


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